Already breaking promises

I told myself I wouldn’t put any excuses posts up here if I tried this again. But here is one anyway. Between PAX and moving everything I own in the world to a new apartment, my life has been pretty busy. Once I get internet hooked up at my new place, I will continue re-assembling this place.


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A videogamesman making some video games.

2 thoughts on “Already breaking promises”

  1. Hey I used to watch your videos as they came out so I hope you can get everything running and maybe we the fans can then help out and get a facebook movement to happen. It’s retarded how effective those things are but they work!

  2. Hey dude… i found your site years ago, and i found all your flash vidz to be awesome…. after 3 1/2 yearz in the army i couldnt remember the name of your site… i knew it started with m somthing… typed in a lot of things before i remembered this site Mortisland ! and i found i can no longer see the ff and boy vs girl vids… i am very sad =\ if you have them archived i would love to see them again! any wayz, wish you the best,

    Random US soldier

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