Mortis vs Dark Age of Camelot

Wow! What craft! After having just looked at the original, this one blows me away with how much it improved. Smooth tweens, interesting music-based pacing, less grating jokes. Truly a child on top of his game. This video was finished and posted on December 18, 2001 at 11:01 am PST. That’s right around when Final Fantasy X and DAoC first released. I spent the majority of my winter vacation playing both simultaneously. It was easy to leave a minstrel on the mana regeneration song and actually playing FFX while everyone else in the group did all the work. Top class.

Also mind-blowing: my old, old, old site actually still exists, preserved at the moment I transitioned to my own domain. I discovered this fact while sifting through digital file folders trying to pinpoint this video’s date. (Also I should try to find the original “air dates” for all these things and add some cataloging info.) Sadly, there doesn’t seem to be any record of the single-column-in-HTML version of the original-original site. I would have liked to see what stupid things I had to say about how school totally sucks. Thinking about it now, it was pretty audacious to throw together a stupid website and copy a bunch of other nerds from the internet and actually get a small following. I actually raised enough money as an unemployed slacker to get my own domain name and pay for hosting for a number of years just through donations. What happened to that guy who didn’t know enough to realize things were out of his reach? Who did things just because he found them interesting? We should try to get that guy back.

This got long and not particularly related to Dark Age of Camelot.

Note: I’m leaving the Flash version of this up here too because apparently the YouTube version is too hot for Germany to handle.

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Original Air Date: 12.18.2001

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A videogamesman making some video games.

One thought on “Mortis vs Dark Age of Camelot”

  1. You have no idea just how excited I am that you’ve posted this! I LOVED this video!

    The Zeal Paladin I played in Diablo 2 got his name from your consistently-dead character. I took Mortis and turned it in to Mortifas.

    Thanks again for posting. Ah, memories.

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