The world of professional video game development continues to be a demanding one. It’s been a weird year. Got moved onto mobile development full time with Unity, fell way deep into a video-game-recording hole that has yet to see light, started and abandoned a billion small game ideas, actually put a new thing up here (Thirty Minute Masterpiece).
Surprising my own self, I have more or less kept up with Thirty Minute Masterpiece. There haven’t been new drawings every single day, but it hasn’t been abandoned (yet)! I have been looking for a summarization/serialization tool that could pull a weekly summary of images into a post on here, but have not found anything yet. Also, not enough time to make one myself.
And finally, here is a brief list of my GOTY of the Years in a nebulous order which I may or may not write more about in a separate post:
- Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn
- The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds
- Animal Crossing: New Leaf
- Papers, Please
- Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag
- The Stanley Parable
- XCOM: Enemy Within
- Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate